Friday, April 17, 2020


INFORMATIVE SPEECH OUTLINE FORMAT Alejandro Iglesias January 6th Topic: Child Geniuses General Purpose: To inform Specific Purpose: To inform the audience about intellectually gifted children and their lives including correlation to unusually early benchmarks as compared to average children. Thesis: Intellectually gifted children seem to not only experience different things in their lives compared to average children, they progress faster in respect to their chronological mental but not emotional evolvement before until reaching adulthood compared to peers. I. Introduction A. Attention Getter: Imagine being surrounded by a classroom of peers. And now imagine that these "peers" are all about ten years older than you as you sit in a University classroom at 12 years of age. Examples of this: Early acceptance to often prestigious universities, ability to do complex mental tasks that are equivalent to someone much older, the apparent emotional manifestation of these individuals that seem as though they are precocious "little adults", etc Body (1) B. Reason to Listen: The development of child geniuses brain may show that higher intelligence is also linked to higher emotional maturation, which has implicit things to consider on behalf of educational institutions, Body (2) Personal Connection: I once knew a child who could be considered a "child genius". This child has a very poor childhood in my and many others opinions of those who knew him. I knew him all through growing up in elementary school I have extensively researched notable examples of child genius. I. Thesis: Children with higher intellectual abilities mature mentally at a faster rate in relation to their chronologically than their same aged peers of lower intelligence. Some notable varied examples of well-known gifted children with exceptional intellectual abilities and describe how their trajectory in life is all supporting evidence of my thesis. Body (3): How this has strong implications for how the educational system in the United States must take measures to adapt to these type of children even in varying degrees of intellectual advancement. How healthy development must include appropriate benchmarks not only in a mental sense for these children but rather in a emotional sense simultaneously. Because this is the healthy way for a child to develop in general, that is, with simultaneous emotional and mental benchmarks growing up, schools are fundamental in appropriating gifted students without divergence from other same aged peers and doing as little as possible to ostracize them while giving them appropriate challenging course load II. Restate thesis: Intellectually gifted children seem to not only experience different things in their lives compared to average children, they progress faster in respect to their chronological mental and emotional evolvement before until reaching adulthood compared to peers. Growing up in educational facilities, highly gifted children are often placed in higher grade classrooms with older peers. This can be proven using examples and also I will now add how this can be harmful for the emotional development and social development of the child who is not with his same aged peers. Time online magazine article. (support) (Various online sources) Transition: Children who are very intelligent grow up at faster rates mentally but not necessarily emotionally and for this reason we should not necessarily put them in educational surrounding s of older peers. Furthermore we will now look as to what we can do to better life for these gifted students. B. Statement of second main point. We should do as little as possible to ostracize gifted children in educational settings by placing them with older peers as this is of considerable concern for their emotional well-being. (*various historical and online sources possibly books*) C. Statement of third main point. We should put children in what experts (research this) recommend is appropriate course of action for educational policy concerning gifted children's education. Online sources Textbook sources III. Conclusion A. Review of Main Points: Children who are highly intelligent develop faster intellectually but not necessarily faster emotionally than same aged peers. How this relates to United States educational facilities. What can be done in order to the best welfare of these children within the public school setting. B. Restate Thesis: Exact same as above. C. Closure: As we adopt and develop new and more satisfying educational pedagogue, we can ensure the best fulfillment of the potential of our country's greatest minds. Alejandro Iglesias Sociology The Marriage and Family Experience January 7th How to NOT treat Child Geniuses In today's speech we are